To check the Rural Commercial Bank’s payment code and merchant number, you need to check it at the bank counter. The merchant number is the number given to the merchant by the bank or when the merchant registers on the website, the website gives him a store code. If you have traded with the merchant before, the merchant number will be on the bank statement.
There are many interpretations of the merchant number. Generally speaking, it refers to the name of the merchant, such as "Tongrentang". In ancient times, there was no trademark. The merchant's name was like a person's name. Of course, some companies now have If an interest policy holder registers a trade name as a trademark, the trade name and trademark will be the same. However, usually the names of shops on the street are trade names without registered trademarks.
In addition, it can also refer to the registration of the merchant by the relevant department, or the identification number of the merchant in the mall, etc.