Legal subjectivity:
Registration process: 1. Check whether the same or similar trademark already exists for the trademark name. You also need to confirm the category of the trademark registration, the industry and service where the registered trademark is located . 2. Prepare materials: If you apply in your own name, you must present a copy of your ID card, self-employed business license. To apply for registration in the name of an enterprise, you must present a copy of the enterprise's business license and a copy of the business license signed and sealed by the issuing authority. A completed trademark registration application stamped with the company's official seal and personal signature. 3. Apply for trademark registration to the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, or entrust a trademark agency to help you prepare trademark application documents and submit trademark application documents. 4. The trademark registration authority will conduct trademark review (9 to 12 months), preliminary review announcement and registration announcement (3 months) on the trademark registration application. If there is no objection to the announcement, you can receive the trademark certificate. Article 3 of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates: Trademarks approved and registered by the Trademark Office are registered trademarks, including commodity trademarks, service marks, collective trademarks, and certification marks; the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark and is protected by law. Protect. The term "collective trademark" as mentioned in this Law refers to a mark registered in the name of a group, association or other organization for use by members of the organization in commercial activities to indicate the user's membership in the organization. The term “certification trademark” as used in this Law refers to a trademark controlled by an organization with the ability to supervise a product or service and used by units or individuals other than the organization to certify the origin of the product or service. , raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality or other signs of specific quality. Special matters concerning the registration and management of collective trademarks and certification marks shall be stipulated by the industrial and commercial administration department of the State Council.