Isuzu trucks have water temperature meters.
In order to ensure that the engine works in the normal temperature range, cars are equipped with engine coolant temperature sensors, which are usually displayed separately on the dashboard (water thermometer), and an alarm will appear if the antifreeze temperature is too high. Generally speaking, the engine water temperature meter is displayed by physical or virtual dial hands, while a few vehicles do not have instrument panels, and warning signs only appear when the temperature is too high.
whether it is a physical or virtual water thermometer, its pointer orientation is basically similar, and it is generally marked with a dial of 6℃-12℃ or cold (c)-hot (h). Antifreeze is different from traditional tap water, and it can work at a temperature above 1℃ by adding calcium chloride, methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol, glycerol and other components in organic matter.
Basic information
Isuzu is a Japanese automobile manufacturing company. Its head office is in Tokyo, Japan, and its manufacturing and assembly are integrated. Its factories are located in Fujisawa City, Tochigi Prefecture and Hokkaido, Japan, and it is famous for producing commercial vehicles and diesel internal combustion engines.
in the 9th year of Showa (1934), mass production of automobiles began according to the standard model of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade (now the Ministry of International Trade and Industry), and it was named "Isuzu" after the Ise Shrine. In the 24th year of Showa (1949), after the trademark and company name were unified, the company name of "Isuzu Auto Co., Ltd." has been used.