The production of trademark printing products is still quite different from other printing products. Trademark printing has its own special features in terms of printing technology and production process. Therefore, when printing trademark products, At this time, as a printing production company, you must pay special attention to the quality of printing and production. You must pay special attention to some problems in trademark printing and production. For example, quality problems caused by excessive pressure and smearing are more likely to occur during the printing process. Trademarks A considerable part of printing quality problems are caused by printing pressure, which is also the most common problem in the trademark printing process. Maintaining uniform and constant printing pressure within the effective printing area not only makes the printed matter uniform ink color and small color difference, but also stabilizes the imprint size. If the printing pressure is too high or too low, printing quality problems will occur, which will affect the printing quality of trademark printing products.
In the process of trademark printing, in addition to printing quality problems often caused by printing pressure, there is also a more common printing problem, which is the printing smear problem. When printing trademarks, small characters, such as fonts below size 8, often have ink drying on them because the spacing between fine lines is too small. If you want to solve this problem, you should pay attention to reducing the air convection flow in the operating environment. If it still doesn't work, you can add appropriate slow drying agent to the ink to reduce the drying speed. Relatively increasing the printing speed can prevent the ink from drying too much. High speed and high quality are the development direction of label printing. Rotary printing will become the main production method of label printing. In countries and regions such as Europe, the United States, and Japan, flat-flat and round-flat label printing equipment have been basically eliminated. And with the localization of rotary label printing equipment. It will promote the expansion of the rotary label printing machine market.