Hangzhou Wuzhou Trademark (hz51tm) Suggestions:
First, buying other people’s goods and selling them under your own brand constitutes reverse counterfeiting, so it is an illegal act. Of course it is not acceptable to do so. .
From the provisions of Article 52 (4) of the Trademark Law, it can be seen that the three elements constituting this behavior are one premise and two behaviors, that is, the perpetrator has not registered a trademark. With the consent of the person, the registered trademark on the goods was changed, and then the goods with the changed trademark were put into the market.
Second, you can use other people’s factories to produce your own products and then put your own brand on them. This is OEM outsourcing. This is also legally allowed. For OEM production, you can design it yourself or have the other party provide the finished product and then sell it with your trademark. This depends on the contract between you and national laws will not interfere.
If you have any other questions, please HI me on Baidu.