1. In Malaysia, trademark rights are obtained based on use. The types of trademarks that can be registered include commodity trademarks, series trademarks, joint trademarks, certification trademarks and defensive trademarks. Both series trademarks and defensive trademarks are joint trademarks.
2. International classification of goods and services, with a registration principle of 45 points for one label and one category. Malaysia's trademark classification is implemented according to its own national classification standards, which are somewhat different from the international Nice Classification.
3. Malaysia became a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Stockholm Act) in 1989. Malaysia is a member state of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Malaysia is not a party to the Madrid Protocol, nor is it a party to the Madrid Agreement. International registrations cannot specify Malaysia.
Country’s English abbreviation: MY.
4. The official language is Bahasa Malaysia
5. Single-category system