How to distinguish genuine piracy: see if there is an ifpi code in the ring number of the CD. This code is the ID number of the CD assembly line. Cam- There is no such code (underground assembly line is used) or hot code (genuine line is used but pirated films are secretly crushed). Pirated works are like genuine ones, and that ifpi code is impossible. This identification rule applies to all CD products, such as CD, VCD, DVD, game CD, software CD, etc.
Genuine introduction: "IFPI" of genuine film base!
IFPI code, formerly known as SID code, is a set of standard procedures introduced by IFPI anti-piracy organizations. It is an industry standard to identify the source of CD production and reproduction. Ordinary genuine CDs and high-density optical discs, including DVD and SACD, are engraved with this code.
The basic format of IFPI code consists of "IFPI" and four or five characters. This character includes numbers from 0 to 9 and English letters from A to Z (excluding "I", "O", "S" and "Q"). This representation is similar to a 32-bit system.
IFPI code includes two types: main SID code and mold SID code.
Main SID Codes Each main SID code consists of "IFPI" and four or five characters. The starting character is "l". Through application, each manufacturer will be assigned a batch of serial master SID codes (including all characters). And each master SID code corresponds to an independent master recording laser head (LBR). Because the code is directly set in the firmware of the laser head, it will be directly recorded on the master disk when it is generated, so all copied discs will carry the code in the future and cannot be removed or changed. This code is used to identify the source of CD production.
The main SID code is located in the lead-in area of the inner ring data area of the optical disc, which is the beginning of the inner ring of the silver/gold area. For single-sided dual-layer (D9) DVD, each layer must have a master SID code, and at least one layer must be clearly visible. For single-layer and double-sided (D10) DVDs, each side needs a master SID code.
Mold SID code (mold SID code)
Each mold SID code consists of "IFPI" and four or five characters. When the manufacturer applies, IFPI organization will only allocate the first two characters (if the code is 4 characters) or the first three characters (if the code is 5 characters). The last two characters are assigned by the manufacturer to the molds corresponding to each production line. Because one character can represent 32 molds (10+26-4), two characters can represent at most 1024(32x32) production lines. Therefore, a manufacturer can have at most 1024 production lines. The code is required to be attached to the production line mold, which is not easy to remove or change. This code is used to identify the replication source.
The mold SID code is located on the plastic sheet of the inner ring of the CD. According to the specification, IFPI should be capitalized, but there are many CDs on the market that are not capitalized.