There are three ways to register a trademark: 1 2 さく 124253 サクラ (choose one of three) (if the registration fails, the trademark can be registered).
Product name:1バィクポン125032 さくらバィポン/kloc-0.
Advertising name (you can continue to use the product name, or you can choose the following name to appear on the package:) サクラココポンププププププ.
Note: 1 The word "empty" cannot be printed on the goods, but the word "ポンプ" can be printed. Think about the reason. If you don't have a barometer or can't sell it for more than 8000 yen or 10000 yen, then the word "advanced" can also be omitted. 3 yes, there are many names with different specifications and uses, which need professional planning, and we will talk about them later.