2. Pay attention to the uniqueness of trademarks: in order to ensure the uniqueness of trademarks, we should choose trademarks with individuality and creativity, and should not use ordinary letters, numbers and symbols.
3. Determination of the scope of registration: When registering a trademark, it is necessary to clarify the scope of registration of the trademark so as to facilitate the subsequent trademark management.
4. Understand laws and regulations: When registering a tea trademark, you should follow national laws and regulations to ensure compliance with relevant regulations.
5. Choose the appropriate trademark type: Trademarks can be divided into different types, such as word mark, graphic trademarks, combined trademarks and three-dimensional trademarks. You should choose the right trademark type according to your own needs.
6. Examination of trademark registrability: Before trademark registration, trademark examination should be conducted to ensure that the trademark complies with laws and regulations and ensures the registrability of the trademark.
7. Grasp the registration period: When registering a trademark, grasp the registration period according to the provisions of the state, so as to obtain the trademark rights as soon as possible.