Pop art, also known as popular art, is an art movement to explore the relationship between popular culture and art.. Pop art tries to overthrow abstract expressive art and turn to figurative popular cultural themes such as symbols and trademarks. The word pop art is now known, which was put forward by Laurence Alloway, a British art critic in 1956. It ended the abstract expressionism in the 195s. The most important difference between it and other art schools is that it takes popular culture as its main theme. Here, popular culture refers to popular culture from the United States.
Pop art originated in Britain and really rose in the United States in the 196s. Andy warhol, a born pop artist, has become the darling of the times. No one can reach the essence of pop art more directly than him. He is like Duchamp in Dadaism. The whole person and his fate have become the imprint of the times and have a profound influence on future generations.