When can trademark registration be R?
netizens who know the meaning of the trademark R logo will know that the trademark can't be marked R without a registration announcement. So when can trademark registration be R? Let me answer for you. Answer: In the trademark usually used in the application, R refers to the registered trademark. If the trademark examination is ok, you can get the registration certificate, then you can play R after getting the registration certificate. If it is rejected, you can't become R. It usually takes 12-14 months to get the trademark certificate. R in the circle is the mark of a registered trademark, which can only be used. If it is not registered, it will constitute impersonating a registered trademark. Therefore, if you don't submit the application for trademark registration, TM trademark will never become an R trademark. Reference: tm and R are different. Ten to eleven months after applying for trademark registration, there will usually be results. If it is a preliminary examination and approval, it will enter a three-month objection period from the date of the announcement of the preliminary examination and approval. If there is no objection at the expiration, it will be registered, and the registered trademark can be used at this point; If it is rejected, it cannot be marked with a registered trademark. In addition, after rejection, you can apply for rejection for retrial, and it may be possible to recover it, but the time is hard to predict. trade mark registration