1. Having a trademark registration certificate can give priority to obtain the domain name corresponding to the trademark, and prohibit others from registering the corresponding domain name to engage in unfair competition. The unification of trademarks and domain names is conducive to establishing a unified brand image and saving promotion costs. If you own a trademark of a certain brand, according to the domain name registration and arbitration rules, the trademark owner has priority in obtaining the domain name corresponding to the trademark and prohibits others from registering the corresponding domain name to engage in unfair competition. 2. Having a trademark registration certificate can prohibit others from registering companies with the same trademark to engage in unfair competition. If someone registers his trademark as a company and conducts misleading publicity, the company's interests will be greatly damaged. 3. Having a trademark registration certificate can prevent others from registering the trademark as copyright or applying for a design patent. Some works with a certain level of art design, such as corporate logos or some popular cartoon images, may be secretly registered as copyrights or applied for design patents by some unscrupulous people, and then in turn blackmail the original companies. Because my country's copyright registration and design patent applications do not undergo substantive examination, this requires original companies to register them as trademarks in a timely manner or register copyrights and apply for design patents in advance. 4. Having a trademark registration certificate can effectively prevent others from free riding and registering trademarks on other products. After a company has a certain reputation in its field of focus, the company's trademark visibility will also greatly increase. At this time, companies in other industries may take advantage of the trademark's popularity and register trademarks in other fields and products to free ride. 5. Having a trademark registration certificate can easily apply for recognition as a well-known trademark and provide comprehensive protection for the brand. In order to prevent others from free riding on your own brand, in addition to registering all trademark categories, when your business operations have gained national visibility, you can also apply for recognition of your trademark as a "well-known trademark" and obtain a "well-known trademark". After the "well-known trademark" is recognized, it is a very effective weapon against whether the "well-known trademark" is registered as a company name or registered on other products.