Look at the price, purchasing is not the same as cheap. Purchasing can only make purchasing cheaper than buying the same goods in China, not the goods are cheaper than domestic second-rate brands. If there was such a good and cheap supply, everyone would have opened a physical store long ago.
Looking at the goods in the store, the real purchasing store will never only have those kinds of goods and brands, because they need to be constantly updated on the shelves, and imitations are always produced in batches by manufacturers or updated very slowly. Because purchasing is that customers order a product first and then buy a product, the goods in the store can be diversified, and fake purchasing must be mass-produced. If a customer orders a commodity, he can produce a commodity, and it is conceivable how expensive it is, so he can't do it. Brands are diverse and often updated.
Look at the inventory, pay attention to those goods in the store are in stock, and the inventory is large, and the inventory is only explosive and hot-selling, which are basically shops selling fake goods. For example, Amazon in the United States and Japan, as well as several major shopping websites, and even the brand official website, almost all have limited purchase policies, including direct purchase of goods by physical stores. It is difficult to buy 20 at a time, let alone hundreds of thousands. We must pay attention to those with large stocks.
Purchasing some goods are sent by manufacturers, and the tags are complete, but because they have not passed through the shopping mall, the packaging is just ordinary factory packaging! If the received package is beautifully packaged in the shopping mall, there are only two situations: one is that the genuine purchasing merchants pay their own money to customize the packaging and packaging for you, and such stores should be few and far between, and the other is that the imitation stores leave a good impression on you through packaging and add points to their imitations.