Postal code is a postal code, and the US Postal Service uses capital letters. Postal code is an acronym for regional improvement plan, but it is also cleverly thought to imply the fact that when the sender uses it, the mail spreads more efficiently (and therefore faster). The basic postal code consists of five digits. The extended ZIP+4 code includes five digits plus four digits of the postal code, allowing mail to be sent to a specific address. Zip code is a registered trademark of the United States Postal Service.
Zip code city state.
Albany, New York 1220 1
3030 1 Atlanta, Georgia
Annapolis, Maryland 2 140 1
Baltimore, Maryland 2 120 1
3520 1 Birmingham, Alabama
Buffalo, New York 1420 1
Chicago, Illinois 6060 1
Cincinnati, Ohio 4520 1
Cleveland, Ohio 44 10 1
43085 Columbus, Ohio
7 1953 Dallas, Arkansas
80002 Denver, Colorado
9970 1 fairbanks, Alaska (Alaska)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 190 19
9680 1 Honolulu Hawaii (Hi)
4620 1 Indianapolis, Indiana (Indiana)
32099 Jacksonville, Florida
64 10 1 Kansas city, Missouri
9000 1 Los Angeles, California
89 10 1 Navada, Las Vegas (NV)
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55 199
1000 1 new york.
70 1 12 New Orleans, Louisiana
68046 Omaha, Nebraska
Phoenix, Arizona 8500 1
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15 122
84 10 1 Salt Lake City, Utah
94203 Sacramento, California
92 10 1 San Diego, California
94 10 1 San Francisco, California
95 10 1 San Jose, California
55 10 1 St. Paul, Minnesota
63 10 1 St. Louis, Missouri
98 10 1 Seattle, Washington
3360 1 Tampa, Florida