It belongs to the 7th category of trademarks, and the details of subclass 0709 are as follows: 0709 Machinery and parts for food industry Agitator 070007, Blender 070026, Milk churn 070038, Mill (machine) 070042, Cream machine 070046, Refuse collector (machine) 070059, bottle rinser 070065, butterfat separator 070083, centrifugal mill 070087, meat grinder (machinery) 070211, meat grinder (machinery) 070211, cheese making machine 070222, stone mill 070262, grinding Crusher 070263, Dough grinder 070266, Mixer (machine) 070267, Bread cutter 070288, Dough mixer 070295, Dough making machine 070296, Sausage machine 070346, Sugar making machine 070356, Industrial chopper (machine) 070419, Electric machinery for food preparation 070423, peeler 070454, vegetable crusher 070455, basket press 070533 ※Pale huller C070097, rice mill C070098, dough press C070100, dough cutter C070101, biscuit printing machine C070102, vermicelli Machine C070103, steamed bun machine C070105, dumpling making machine C070106, oil press C070107, sugar cane press C070108, canning industry machinery and equipment C070109, can washing machine C070110, bean sprout machine C070111, fruit peeling machine C070112, colloid mill (for food industry) C070113, food packaging machine C070114, slaughtering machine C070116, food industry refiner C070370 Note: 1. Food packaging machine is similar to 0721 packaging machine; 2. This similar group is similar to 0753 mixer (machine) of the eighth edition and previous editions , mixer, mixer (machine), industrial chopper (machine) cross search; 3. Cross-similar group protected goods: Cross-similar group protected goods: mixer (0709, 0723, 0733); mixer (0709, 0723, 0733 ); Mixer (machine) (0709, 0723, 0733); Industrial chopper (machine) (0702, 0709, 0752, 0753); Mill (machine) (0709, 0725); Bottle flushing machine ( 0709;0710).