Goods and services registered with trademarks
The current Nice classification divides goods and services into 45 categories, of which goods are 1 ~ 34 categories and services are 35 ~ 45 categories.
The Trademark Office divides the goods and services classified by Nice into similar groups, adds the names of commonly used goods and services in China according to the actual situation, and formulates a Table for Distinguishing Similar Goods and Services (hereinafter referred to as the Table) for the applicant to use when applying for trademark registration. The 45 categories in the discrimination table contain category titles, notes and names of goods and services. The category name indicates the scope of goods or services belonging to this category; Notes explain which goods or services are mainly included in this category and which are not; The names of goods and services listed in the Discrimination Table are standard names.
Nice classification is revised once a year, and the classification table is adjusted accordingly. The applicant shall declare according to the sub-table that is valid when submitting the application. This sub-table can declare both the standard names and the names of goods and services that are not included in the sub-table.
Want to choose a reliable trademark transfer platform, generally can consider from the following points:
1. Is the website filed with the Trademark Office?
2. How many bids have been posted on the website?
3. Quality of service of trademark consultants
4. The price of the trademark
5. The success rate of trademark registration and trademark transfer
6. Information about this website
These are all factors that can be used to choose a trademark platform.
Are all 45 trademarks on the online trademark transfer platform? Which platform is better? The following is an introduction to the contents of the trademark. The category of a trademark determines the scope of protection of a registered trademark, which is a foregone conclusion when handling trademark registration. Before choosing the 45th trademark transfer, we must carefully confirm with professional trademark consultants whether the business services provided by the enterprise are specifically and accurately included in the service content of the 45th trademark.