An ideal trademark should have five characteristics: identification, communication, aesthetics, adaptability, and contemporaryness.
A Identification: It is the most basic function of a trademark. The special nature and function of a trademark determine that the trademark must have a unique personality and no confusion by similarity is allowed.
B Conveyability: The more distinctive the personality, the stronger the visual appeal and the deeper the stimulation. Modern trademarks not only play a role in distinguishing goods, but also express certain meanings and convey clear information through trademarks, including the company's business philosophy, product performance and use, etc. In this sense, trademarks should be as precise as signals. , easy to identify and understand.
C Aesthetics: The trademark should be concise, easy to read and easy to remember, and should have concise and clear visual effects and appeal.
D Adaptability: The expression form of the trademark must also adapt to the challenges of different materials, different technologies, and different conditions. No matter how it changes in black and white, color, zoom or zoom, systematization and standardization regulations must be respected.
E Times: Trademarks must adapt to the development of the times and make reasonable adjustments at the appropriate time to avoid being eliminated by the times.