Traditionally, the preset card set in Hearthstone will be updated every time the version changes, which is the so-called "Weizbanka set". After the new card was pre-installed in the 23.0 patch, the sunken city has also been launched.
These decks will also be used for fireside battles in this weekend's pre-sale event fireside party. Players who don't buy pre-orders and have no packages to open can also take these decks first.
aaecaea 5 awsn 9 WP 7 vwt+vwsywqqnwvedefcdtp 8 e 7 kaejrae 7 bee 77 ee 8 bee 8 reeh lie 0 bcem loe+b8e aa = =
aaecazibimlbcwbnu 5 bpg/ba 2k 9 govgasjnwsunwtanwswpqtprat 2 vqt 4 vqt 5 vqt/vQTwvwSuwAQA
aaecar 8g 25 ee 5j 8 e 27 ke 57 kesseehskedkmnbkunbkmfboofb J2 wbo 2 xbisybi 2 yboc 5 bihjbitjbivubaa =
aaecaf 0 ebp 3 ua 7 h3a 6 gxboy 6 bo/TBKneBAzD+qofkgt 9 ngtwoat 6 rasst qthtqtjtwtktwtduqsywqty 2 qqa
aaecaz 8 fbkl 4 a+clblcyboy 6 ba 3 w9 gol+AOq+APD+qpwoassstqthtqteuqtuvqsywqta 0 WTA 2 qsupaua
aaecaa 0 gbimybnu 5 bpptbj 7 uba 2 tigseowsjowskowsessegsigssitgsktgsltgsntgsywqt 00 wt 10 wqa
AAECAaIHBPuKBIqwBK+2 bni 2 ba 2 q 6 WP 2 NWT 3 nwtuoaasvsws 3 wsztgsgtgtvtgsywqskyqsy 2 wsa 2 wqa
aaecaaoiasorboe 1 ba 7 q 5 wof+gptgasogqs 5k Qt 5k qsvkgtckgtblat 5 NWT 8 tatgtqs 8 TGS 1 aqa
aaecaf 0 gcnfta/LTA 9d 5 a 7 crbjegba 9 bpxhbjjubau 98 qpa+QOD+wOxnwTnoATbowT+tashtwtcvqtivqsb 1 aqa
AAECAQcEj+8 dzpkdvioejskedy 7 ta 8t 1A/iabjubpmmbiigbimgbiy 3 bi 63 bjc 3 bld hbi 7 ubjdubaa =