Whether Hengyuanxiang’s products are clothing, home textiles, woolen yarns or daily chemicals, the trademarks and packaging will differ depending on the franchised factories, but the trademarks will clearly indicate Hengyuanxiang’s company, address, phone number, website, product category, and ingredients. Content, product standard number and washing mark, etc. Each product will have a certificate of conformity and an anti-counterfeiting label. Consumers of all Hengyuanxiang products only need to uncover the surface of the anti-counterfeiting label, call Hengyuanxiang’s anti-counterfeiting phone number 8008208850 from a landline, and enter the code accurately in sequence, that is Do you know the authenticity? If the anti-counterfeiting mark is empty, you can ask the mall for clarification or call Hengyuanxiang's Shanghai head office to inquire, because only this anti-counterfeiting phone number and anti-counterfeiting code can be forged in any way by anyone other than Hengyuanxiang.