Core categories
Category 43: catering, restaurants, hotels, accommodation, etc.;
Category 35: hotel business management, franchise business management, Business management and organizational consulting, advertising, display of goods in communication media for retail purposes, import and export agency, etc.;
Important categories
Class 08: Tableware (knives, forks and spoons) ), etc.;
Category 29: pickled products, shark fins, fish products, edible oil, etc.; Category 30: condiments, cakes, convenience foods, etc.;
Category 31 Category: fresh fruits, vegetables, live animals, etc.;
Category 32: beverages, juices, mineral water, beer, etc.;
Category 33: white wine, red wine, wine, brandy and other alcoholic beverages;
Category 39: Logistics, distribution, warehousing, etc.;
Category 40: Food processing, taxidermy, etc.;
Category 44: Nutrition and dietary guidance, health care, etc.;