If you have this problem while playing games, it is a compatibility problem. Please right-click the properties and compatibility on the desktop shortcut of this game software to run this compatible program, tick, apply and confirm. If you fail because the application fails to check the memory allocation, or the application refers to an abnormal memory pointer because of its own BUG, or there is a Trojan horse or virus in the system, or there is a problem when the browser is opened, then use the following command to try to eliminate it!
Start → Run → Enter cmd→ Enter. At the command prompt, enter the following command for% 1 in (%windir% \ system32 \ *). Regsvr32.exe/s%1Enter. When finished, enter the following for% i in (%windir% \ system32 \ *). Ocx) Do regsvr32.exe/s% I and press Enter. Wait patiently for the screen to stop scrolling, and then restart the computer.