711 rice can be heated for 3-5 minutes.
711 sells a lot of fast food, such as steamed buns, steamed bread, sandwiches, rice, fried noodles, etc. It can be eaten directly as long as it is heated in the microwave for a few minutes, so it has become the choice of many office workers.
introduction to 7-eleven convenience store
7-eleven (Japanese: セブンィレブンンンレブン) convenience store (the notation in the trademark is: 7-Eleven). The brand of 7-Eleven originally belonged to the southern company of the United States. Seven& I Holdings Company is a new company formed by the merger of Seven-Eleven Japan Company, Ito-Yokado Company and Denny's Japan Company in September 25.
It was founded in Texas, USA in p>1927, and the name of 7-Eleven originated in 1946 to advertise its business hours from 7: a.m. to 11: p.m., then it was introduced to Japan by Japanese retailer Ito Yokado in 1974, and changed to 24-hour business in 1975.