It seems to be the trademark of cotton yarn developed by some company. Because this cotton yarn is spun from a special kind of very fine cotton grown in India, it has the characteristics of being very soft, highly hygroscopic, absorbing moisture quickly in an instant, and drying quickly. Generally used to make towels, they have the characteristics of light weight, strong moisture absorption, quick drying, softness, environmental protection and natural nature.
MicroCotton? is a trademarked brand for a unique cotton yarn developed by our mill in India. This yarn is the result of comprehensive research and development carried out by our mill and the US marketing team over more than two years in the quest to make a truly superior, high performance cotton terry towel. The natural characteristics of this very special type of 100 cotton yarn we call MicroCotton? stem from the extremely high quality of a very fine micronaire (the measure of fiber fineness for cotton) cotton fiber we use. MicroCotton? is made from exceptionally long staple cotton fibers virtually identical to "Sea Island Cotton." This rare quality of cotton is amongst the very best that is grown in the world. The fiber is naturally silky soft and is used to make the finest natural cotton yarns that can be made.
The soft and plush character of MicroCotton? is immediately evident with touching. You will find that this extraordinary towel is both light and bulky, as well as exceptionally soft. But the most important characteristic of MicroCotton? is its ability to absorb water almost instantaneously . You will not find a more absorbent cotton towel than MicroCotton?.
The MicroCotton? towel also dries quickly after use.
The MicroCotton? towels have outstanding absorbency, luxurious
softness, and a bulky feel without heaviness. The towel, simply, looks and feels luxurious. These properties make MicroCotton? a highly desirable towel. Every loop in the pile of the MicroCotton? has an extraordinary 120 fiber loops. No other towel can boast this high count of fiber loops. It is these high number of fiber loops and the microscopic space between the fibers that allow the MicroCotton? to absorb so well and, because air can pass through the fibers easily, the towel dries quickly. Independent Testing Lab results show that the MicroCotton? towel has a 250 faster absorbency rate than an ordinary cotton towel. These tests also showed that the MicroCottonTM towel is 133 thicker than a comparable ordinary cotton towel of the same weight. The tests further showed the MicroCotton? towel to have almost no linting during the first two washes and none thereafter, which means the MicroCotton? towel will have an exceptionally long life under normal use. The natural softness of the towel can be enhanced by washing it without any detergent from time to time. All of these MicroCotton? characteristics are natural and, therefore, permanent. No chemicals are used to enhance the towel's characteristics. The MicroCotton? towel is also dyed with high quality, azo free reactive dyes, which are completely friendly to the environment.
Simply stated, MicroCotton? towels are the b
est towels on the market. We know that they will become your favorite towels.