How does the Trademark Office examine trademarks?
Hello, I'm glad to answer your question. To apply for a registered trademark, the Trademark Office has to go through two processes: formal examination and substantive examination. Formal examination is to examine the materials submitted in the application for trademark registration to see if there are any defects or errors. If there are, it will issue a Notice of Correction of the Application for Trademark Registration or a Notice of Rejection of the Application for Trademark Registration. The substantive examination is to establish different sub-cards for each element of the trademark applied for registration, and to examine whether there are identical or similar situations for the trademarks that have been applied for or registered before by comparing the same or similar goods. If it is identical or similar, a Notice of Rejection of Trademark Registration Application shall be issued; If it is not the same or similar, it will be arranged to enter the announcement period. Yang Fan Yuanming Intellectual Property