(1) Using the same trademark as its registered trademark on the same commodity without the permission of the trademark registrant;
(2) Without the permission of the trademark registrant, using a trademark similar to its registered trademark on the same kind of goods, or using a trademark identical with or similar to its registered trademark on similar goods is likely to cause confusion;
(3) selling goods that infringe upon the exclusive right to use a registered trademark;
(4) Forging or unauthorized manufacturing of registered trademark marks of others or selling forged or unauthorized registered trademark marks;
(five) without the consent of the trademark registrant, the registered trademark is changed and the goods with the changed trademark are put on the market again;
(6) Deliberately providing convenience for infringing upon the exclusive right to use a trademark of others and helping others to commit acts of infringing upon the exclusive right to use a trademark.
According to Articles 60 and 63 of China's Trademark Law, different infringements are subject to different fines.
Legal basis: Article 60 of the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) commits one of the acts listed in Article 57 of this Law, which infringes on the exclusive right to use a registered trademark and causes disputes, which shall be settled by the parties through consultation; Unwilling to negotiate or failing to negotiate, the trademark registrant or interested party may bring a lawsuit to the people's court or request the administrative department for industry and commerce to handle it.
When the administrative department for industry and commerce finds that the infringement is established, it shall be ordered to immediately stop the infringement, confiscate and destroy the infringing goods and tools mainly used to manufacture infringing goods and forge registered trademarks. If the illegal business amount is more than 50,000 yuan, a fine of less than five times the illegal business amount may be imposed; if there is no illegal business amount or the illegal business amount is less than 50,000 yuan, a fine of less than 250,000 yuan may be imposed. Whoever commits trademark infringement twice or more within five years or has other serious circumstances shall be given a heavier punishment. The administrative department for industry and commerce shall order the sale of goods that are not known to infringe the exclusive right to use a registered trademark, and can prove that the goods are legally obtained by themselves, indicating the supplier.
If there is any dispute over the amount of compensation for infringement of the exclusive right to use a trademark, the parties concerned may request the administrative department for industry and commerce for mediation, or bring a suit in a people's court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of People's Republic of China (PRC). After mediation by the administrative department for industry and commerce, if both parties fail to reach an agreement or fail to perform the mediation after it takes effect, the parties may bring a lawsuit to the people's court in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of People's Republic of China (PRC).