Hello, if a domain name complies with the provisions of the Trademark Law for trademarks and is registered through legal trademark registration procedures, it can be used as a trademark.
The main differences between domain names and trademarks are the following four points: First, both are commercial signs and have identification functions. Second, both contain certain economic and commercial value. Third, the composition is interconnected. In order to integrate their commercial identities, companies often register and use their own trademarks as part of domain names. Fourth, both use the registration system and the first-to-apply principle.
However, from a legal perspective, there are differences between domain names and trademarks: First, there is a difference between the uniqueness of a domain name and the multiplicity of trademarks. Second, there is a difference between the global nature of domain names and the regional nature of trademarks. Third, there is a difference between the non-similarity restriction of domain names and the prohibition of similarity of trademarks. Fourth, the principles and acquisition methods for domain name registration are different from those for trademarks.
If detailed information is given, a more detailed answer can be given.