Market value reflects the trademark value, industry value and market value of an enterprise. Market value not only measures the financial value of an enterprise from an economic perspective, but also measures the social value of an enterprise from a market perspective.
The trademark value we usually talk about is actually a reflection of market value. Roast duck restaurants are everywhere across the country. Why do people know and even pursue Quanjude? Is his roast duck the only one that tastes good?
Industry value reflects the company’s leading position in the same industry. Why Cisco’s network engineer certification is so valuable and why Microsoft’s software engineers have higher salaries is because they have formulated rules in their own industry. Industry regulations have been formed and its industry value has been highlighted.
Market value, the company's market share, fully reflects this value. If you occupy 40% of the market share, then the price fluctuation of your product will affect the overall market development of the product.
Market value is a value quantifier that cannot be clearly evaluated.