1. Submit application
The applicant submits the trademark application documents to the Singapore Trademark Registry
2. Trademark review
By Singapore The Trademark Office will review the submitted trademark application documents, examine the legality of the trademark name and trademark documents, etc. For trademark documents with problems, the trademark applicant will be notified and required to review the trademark application documents within the specified time. Correction; Trademark documents without problems will be granted a filing date and filing number. Trademarks that pass formal examination will enter substantive examination to examine whether the trademark is registrable and conforms to the provisions of the Trademark Law. Trademarks that pass the examination will enter the trademark announcement period.
3. Trademark Announcement
Within 4 months from the announcement period, any prior right holder may file an objection to the trademark applied for registration.
4. Registration
Trademarks that have been adjudicated for opposition or that have no objections during the announcement period will be approved for registration. A registration certificate will be issued to the applicant and the registration will be made public.