For the logo, McDonald’s chose yellow, while KFC chose red. On the packaging, Coca-Cola is mainly red and Pepsi-Cola is mainly blue. Why is this so? Because they are all flower or melon color.
Plants rely on wind and insects to spread pollen. The former is a wind-pollinated flower and the latter is an insect-pollinated flower. Wind-pollinated flowers have dark colors, small corollas, no nectar secretion, small and abundant pollen, low stickiness, and are easy to disperse in the wind; insect-pollinated flowers have bright colors, large corollas, secrete nectar, large and small pollen, and high stickiness. , suitable for insects to carry. Obviously, to insects, the reason why wind-pollinated flowers are ugly is because they are unprofitable - they have no honey. The reason why insect-pollinated flowers are beautiful is because they are beneficial - they have honey.
In this way, beauty and ugliness are an explicit form of benefit and harm. Beauty is a declaration of benefits, ugliness is a notice of harm. Insects have developed the ability to understand such declarations or notices - beauty and ugliness. Beauty triggers happy emotions because it marks a certain benefit, and ugliness triggers painful emotions because it marks a certain harm.
Why does “green” make people happy? Because it represents the budding leaves in spring, it is a kind of benefit. Why does "withered yellow" make people depressed? Because it represents the withered leaves in autumn, it is a kind of harm.
Why are M&M’s chocolate beans so delicious? Because M&M’s chocolate beans are painted in various colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.
M&M’s Chocolate, the world’s largest chocolate bean brand, was born in the United States in 1941. At first, it had only one primary color – brown. In 1960, M&M's chocolate beans appeared in three new colors: red, green and yellow, plus the original brown, making it a total of four colors. In 1976, M&M’s added orange color. In 1995, M&M’s invited American consumers to choose the most ideal new color for their chocolate beans. Among more than 10 million votes, blue won the most favor among Americans, winning with 54 votes. So, M&M’s replaced brown with blue. In 2001 and 2002, M&M’s made the world crazy and planned a global voting campaign for the new color of M&M’s chocolate. In the end, purple won with 41 votes.
So, why do chocolate beans look more delicious when painted with various colors? Because the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple colors of M&M’s chocolate are all flower or fruit colors.
Plant pollen (wind-pollinated flowers) is mainly spread by insects, while plant seeds (bird-pollinated seeds) are mainly spread by birds - birds will not digest the seeds after eating the fruits. Excreting everywhere, and of course some beasts. In this way, in order to attract animals, like flowers, the colors of melons and fruits are also very bright, such as red strawberries, orange oranges, yellow bananas, green watermelons, blue plums, purple grapes, pink peaches and white of cantaloupe etc. Beautiful colors represent a benefit: sweet nectar (for insects) or sweet pulp (for birds). In the nervous system, a certain color, a certain interest and a certain taste form a fixed connection. This is true for animals and for humans as well. Therefore, if flower colors and melon and fruit colors are used on food, they often look very attractive.
Beautiful colors make people want to get close to them because they are pleasing to the eye, while ugly colors make people want to stay away from them because they are dazzling. Therefore, McDonald’s likes to use yellow and KFC likes to use red in their logos. On the packaging, Coca-Cola likes to use red and Pepsi likes to use blue.
In this way, beauty is an encouragement mechanism - beautiful colors (bright and fresh colors) tend to make people appetizing, and ugliness is a punishment mechanism - ugly colors (dark and stale colors) Often off-putting.