IQ Intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score that measures a person's cognitive abilities ("intelligence") for their age through a series of standardized tests. Invented by Alfred Binet (1857-1911) of France and his students. Based on the results of this set of tests, he set the average IQ of the average person as 100, and the IQ of normal people, according to this set of tests, is mostly between 85 and 115. The latest research shows that IQ is not only related to genetic factors, but also to the living environment. That is, the level of IQ is related to genetic factors and living environment. The average IQ of modern people is gradually increasing, known as the Flynn effect, but it is not clear whether the reason is actual growth in intelligence or measurement. IQ
Intelligence level
140 or above
Genius or close to genius
Excellent intelligence
Higher intelligence
Normal intelligence
80-90< /p>
Between retardation and intellectual disability
Below 70
Can be summarized For the mentally handicapped