There are many optical factories in Henggang District, and the products of large professional optical factories will not be sold to unlicensed shops. Private workshops sell many products! Don't listen to genuine or original goods (parallel imports)! They are all fake, like brand-name products are all ordered to order, there will be nothing extra! They usually deceive uninformed consumers. Taobao is where many authentic products come from. The prices at Henggang Optical City are cheap (provided you are knowledgeable or able to bargain), but even those who are uninformed can charge random prices!
I don’t recommend “smart” consumers to buy which one is cheaper. I’ve been there several times and found that many merchants barely understand optometry and let customers turn the astigmatism axis by themselves. It would be better if you could see it more clearly. Unprofessional processing also leads to large optical center errors (which may lead to strabismus). A pair of glasses that does not meet the standard will not only cause visual fatigue, nausea, headaches and a series of discomforts to the patient!
So, you should go to a professional place to get your glasses. If you don’t go to a store, you should at least see an optometrist. What is the ability of the custom fitter?