The Hello Mobile trademark belongs to Category 09 Scientific Instruments
Similar groups of registered trademarks for the Mobile Phone trademark in Category 9 include:
Group 0901 Electronic Computers and Its external equipment
Group 0902 records, vending machines and other counting detectors
Group 0903 other office machinery (excluding typewriters, writing machines and mimeograph machines)
Group 0904 Weighing Instruments
Group 0905 Measuring Instruments
Group 0906 Signaling Instruments
Group 0907 Communication and Navigation Equipment
Group 0908 Audio and video equipment
Group 0909 Photography and film equipment and instruments
Group 0910 Measuring instruments, laboratory equipment, electrical measuring instruments, scientific instruments
Group 0911 Optical instruments
Group 0912 Optoelectronic transmission materials
Group 0913 Crystal and carbon materials for electrical appliances, general electronic and electrical components
Group 0914 Complete sets of electrical equipment and controls Devices
Group 0915 Electrolysis Devices
Group 0916 Fire Extinguishing Apparatus
Group 0917 Arc Cutting and Welding Equipment and Appliances
Group 0918 Industrial Use X-ray mechanical equipment
Group 0919 safety rescue equipment
Group 0920 alarm device, electric bell
Group 0921 glasses and accessories
Group 0922 Batteries, chargers
Group 0923 Movies, Exposed Materials
Group 0924 Others
Warm reminder to Bajie Trademark Consultant: Trademark registration applicants in order to successfully When registering a trademark, you need to pay attention to the trademark category; in order to do a good job in trademark management, the Trademark Office has also specially issued a "Distinguishing Table of Similar Goods and Services". If you want to successfully register a trademark transfer in one go, you must classify your products and services into the correct category. This work requires a certain amount of professional knowledge, and friends who want to register a trademark are advised to leave this work to a professional trademark consultant. If you want to know more about trademark registration, please consult our trademark transfer consultant at QQ:; consultation phone number: