International nickel belongs to the category of commodities
Commodity prices are priced in US dollars, so there is a certain negative correlation between the US dollar and commodity prices. In other words, when the US dollar rises , commodity prices are likely to fall, and when the dollar falls, commodity prices are likely to rise.
In October last year, the United States ended QE quantitative easing, announcing to the world that the U.S. dollar had entered a monetary normalization process from the loose monetary process after the 2008 financial crisis; since last year, U.S. macroeconomic data has been improving. In particular, the strong recovery of labor market data and U.S. manufacturing data also announced that the United States is getting rid of the negative impact of the 2008 financial crisis on the U.S. economy.
Now there is an expectation of raising interest rates in the United States (expected to be in September 2015), which shows that the unemployment rate and inflation rate in the United States have recovered to a certain level, and the Federal Reserve is also very optimistic about the future economy of the United States. ;
So we say that if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, the US dollar will be optimistic about the future in the long term. Correspondingly, it will lower the price trend of commodities in the future.