On the trademark registration certificate, the trademark name usually refers to the text or letter combination below or near the trademark pattern to identify and distinguish the goods or services. The placement and form of a trademark name may vary between different trademark registries and countries.
Generally speaking, the trademark name on the trademark registration certificate is usually presented in a clearly identifiable manner to ensure the uniqueness and recognition of the trademark. The trademark name may be a brand name, abbreviation, trade name, etc., depending on the trademark elements proposed by the applicant when applying for trademark registration.
On the trademark registration certificate, the trademark name is usually the main identifier of the registration certificate to clarify the identity of the trademark. When looking at the trademark registration certificate, you can look for the location where the trademark name is clearly displayed so that you can accurately identify the trademark.
Please note that the format and layout of the trademark registration certificate may vary from country to country, so in specific cases it is recommended to review the logo and related information on the trademark registration certificate to determine the specific location of the trademark name .
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