1, bq. 1 and xbb are new variation branches in Omicron. Internationally, in some European and American countries, they have gradually shown that they are the dominant strains, mainly showing enhanced transmission and immune escape ability, but their pathogenicity has not increased. Its pathogenicity is not significantly different from other series of Omicron mutants. In these countries where bq. 1 and xbb are prevalent, the severity rate and mortality rate have not increased. In fact, bq. 1 and xbb have been introduced into China. In recent three months, bf.7, bq. 1, xbb have been detected to be introduced into China. There are more than 130 subfamilies of Omicrons imported into China, and these 50 subfamilies have caused related local cases. Among them, bq. 1 and its subfragments were detected in 49 cases from 9 provinces, and xbb subfragments were detected in cases from 3 provinces. The whole bq. 1 and xbb have not yet formed the dominant communication in China, and the dominant communication is still ba.5.2 and bf.7, but their communication advantages will gradually increase, which may form a * * cycle with more than 50 input branches such as ba.5.2 and BF.7..
2. Omicron (English name: Omicron, serial number: B. 1. 1.529), 20 19 novel coronavirus variety. It was first detected in South Africa on 202 1, 1654381October 9. The longest incubation period is 8 days.