1. Many fake cigarettes can be seen, and their packaging will be different from the real ones. The fake ones are dim in color and illegible in handwriting. This is one of the most obvious differences.
2. Judging from the tactile sensation, the real cigarette feels good, especially where its brand is a little protruding. Not if it's fake, but it's smooth.
3. Now there are more and more QR codes in the market. There will be a 2D code on the side of the cigarette case. Please scan it with your mobile phone. We'll know if it's true or not
4. At last, it really tastes pure and the ash is white. The fake one is bitter and spicy, and the ash is very black.
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cigarettes are a kind of tobacco products. The method is to dry tobacco and shred it, and then grow it into a barrel-shaped strip with a diameter of 12mm and a paper roll.
when smoking, light one end, and then inhale the smoke produced by duh at the other end. Cigars are smoked by rolling tobacco into cylindrical strips.
The main difference between cigarettes and cigars is that cigarettes are small in size, and tobacco is refined and chopped. Cigarettes were first popular in Turkey, and local people like to roll up tobacco in newspapers and smoke it.
During the Crimean War, British soldiers learned the smoking method from the soldiers of the Ottoman Empire at that time, and then spread it to different places.
On June 25th, 1843, France began to manufacture the first batch of cigarettes for commercial sale. Later, cigarettes became popular everywhere.