1. The application form shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The licensor's name, registration certificate number, commodity or service name in the application form shall be completely consistent with the registrant's name, registration certificate number, commodity or service name in the trademark registration certificate.
(2) Licensed goods shall not exceed the scope of goods approved for use in the trademark registration certificate.
(3) The license period shall not exceed the validity period on the Trademark Registration Certificate.
2. A trademark licensing contract must have the following terms:
(1) Name of the licensed trademark and its registration number.
(2) the scope of licensed goods and services.
(3) the duration of the license.
(4) the way of providing the registered trademark logo used by the licensee.
(five) the terms of the licensor's supervision over the quality of the goods in which the licensee uses its registered trademark.
(six) the terms in which the licensee indicates the name of the licensee and the origin of the goods using the licensed trademark.