シャーリング: (originating from English shirring) means shirring
サンプル: (originating from English sample) means sample
生民: Japanese pronunciation みたけ, It means the length of the clothes
Shen scarf: Japanese pronunciation みはば, it means the width of the clothes
Shoulder scarf: Japanese pronunciation かたはば, it means shoulder width
p>Tian scarf: Japanese pronunciation てんきん, it is the size of the head
ウェスト: (derived from the English waist waistline)
Sleeve scarf: Japanese pronunciation そではば , meaning sleeve width
Sleeve length: Japanese pronunciation そでたけ, meaning sleeve length
woven りネ―ム: ネ―ム (originating from the English name), woven りネ―ム is the name embroidered on the machine
うーリースビンテープ (This word should be a typo)
Sleeve: Japanese pronunciation そで means sleeve< /p>
スリット: (from English slit) means slits
スリット: (from English pad) means padding