Intellectual property legislation has reached the international leading level. In terms of intellectual property protection legislation, China's intellectual property legislation has been constantly revised and improved for more than 30 years.
Intellectual property rights are "the collective name of rights based on creative achievements and industrial and commercial marks". The three main intellectual property rights are copyright, patent right and trademark right, among which patent right and trademark right are also collectively referred to as industrial property rights. Intellectualproperty is "intellectual property" in English, and it is also translated into intellectual property, intellectual property or intellectual property. On the surface, intellectual property can be understood as "property right to knowledge", and its premise is that knowledge has the conditions to become legal property. However, the essence of knowledge is an objective and free-flowing information. Once the knowledge as information is spread, the person who provides this information cannot control this information exclusively. Then the intellectual achievements expressed by these information cannot become the property of the information creator in the legal sense. The legal system of intellectual property rights has created an unprecedented form of property rights by giving the creators of intellectual achievements the exclusive right to use and transfer. The reason why the law wants to turn the original free information into the property of the creator is because public policies need to promote the development of science and technology, social progress and protect certain specific interests. Therefore, not all knowledge produces intellectual property rights. At the same time, the extension of the word intellectual property is constantly changing with the development of society, and intellectual property is also constantly improving.
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