1. Trademark Application Form:
-Fill in the trademark application form and provide basic information about the trademark, including trademark name, graphics, font, color, etc. The trademark application form can be obtained from the official website of the Trademark Office or relevant institutions.
2. Trademark samples:
-Provide clear logo samples to show the graphics, fonts, colors and other features of the trademark. Black-and-white and color samples are usually needed, and the format can be electronic images or paper prints.
3. Trademark classification information:
-Trademark classification is to classify trademarks according to the categories of goods and services. You need to determine the category of the trademark and provide the corresponding trademark classification information. The international general classification system is Nice classification system.
4. Identification certificate of the trademark holder:
-Provide valid identification documents of the trademark holder, such as ID card, passport, etc. Ensure that the identity document is within the validity period.
5. Power of attorney for trademark (if applicable):
-If the trademark application is handled by an agency or lawyer, a power of attorney shall be provided to confirm the agency relationship.
6. Other relevant supporting documents:
-According to the requirements of different countries or regions, it may be necessary to provide other relevant documents, such as company registration certificate, copy of business license, priority certificate, etc.
Please note that the above materials are the basic materials for general trademark registration, and the specific requirements may vary from country to country. When preparing trademark registration materials, it is recommended to consult the local trademark office or professional trademark agency to understand the specific requirements and required materials.
The above contents were carefully arranged by Zhu Bajie. Com, I hope I can help you.