Production: products
Transformation: transformation
Program: program
Device check: driver check
Mode: mode
Operation operation
Springboard data.
Suction nozzle jumps off: the suction nozzle jumps off.
Settings: installation
Panel loader: substrate loader
Location: location
Nozzle inspection: Nozzle inspection
Parts supply parts are abandoned
Parts inspection: parts inspection
Chg planning panel optimization substrate
Schedule Panel: Finish Baseplate.
Clear and complete pattern
The finished panel completes the substrate.
Tabe mode: device change driver selection
Stage: Standby (Complete)
Staged production
Mode of operation mode of operation
Schedcle plan
Complete end
Recovery mode
recovery time
The circuit board (jumping mark) jumps according to the substrate identification point.
Loader loader
Nozzle data nozzle data
Production information product information
Replace the tray conversion device (should refer to the suction nozzle conversion device)
End the current panel End the current substrate.
Finish the panel, remove the bottom plate and move it out.
These should be the operation menus on smt devices, which are slightly different according to each device. Please refer to the equipment operation manual.