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Is it illegal to carry fake bags in Singapore?
It's not illegal.

According to today's headline, it is not illegal to carry fake bags in Singapore, but it is illegal to import, sell or manufacture fake bags. According to Article 49 of Singapore's Trademark Law, anyone who imports, sells or manufactures goods with counterfeit trademarks without the consent of the trademark owner may be fined or imprisoned. Singapore police and customs will regularly crack down on smuggling and selling fake bags. Once anyone is found to be involved in these activities, they will immediately arrest and confiscate their fake bags and other evidence. For example, on 20 19 and 10, the Singapore police found a brand-name bag worth S $520,000 from the home of a 2 1 year-old man, all of which were fake. The man was accused of importing and selling counterfeit handbags, backpacks and watches. There are also some legal second-hand brand-name shops in Singapore, which specialize in selling genuine products. These stores usually provide certificates or warranty cards to prove the authenticity of their goods. If you want to buy brand-name bags in Singapore, you can consider looking for them in these stores. In short, carrying fake bags in Singapore will not be fined or detained, but if you are involved in importing, selling or manufacturing fake bags, you may break the law. I suggest you respect the trademark right, and don't buy or use fake bags.