"Pentium" in Pentium (r) dual-core CPU means "Intel's fifth generation x86 architecture microprocessor"; "Dual-Core" means "Core architecture dual-core chip, that is, two processors are packaged in one chip".
Pentium(R)Dual-Core CPU means "Intel Core Processor"
Pentium is Intel's fifth-generation x86 architecture microprocessor, which started shipping on March 22, 1993 and is the descendant of the 486 product line. Pentium should have been named 8586 or i586, and later it was named "Pentium" (it is generally believed that "Pentium" is the coinage of the suffix "ium" in the Greek word "penta" Galadin) because Arabic numerals cannot be used as registered trademarks. I586 is used in the microprocessor of class 8586 manufactured by Intel competitors.
Dual Core:
dual-core chip, that is, two processors are packaged in one chip. For home computers, the most famous examples of dual-core processors are Intel's 2(Core 2 Duo and Core Duo processors, and NVIDIA Tegra2 processors currently used in mobile phones. A microprocessor with two processor cores integrated in one package. It is the most basic component of multi-processor integrated with multi-cores.