In NB’s model classification and naming system, WW1700TN can be divided into three parts. M is men’s shoes. Similarly, W is women’s shoes. The second letter is missing in some shoes. , some of them exist and represent functions. For example, MX is mostly training shoes, MR is mostly running shoes, CT is mostly tennis shoes, etc. There is no absolute and can be used as a reference.
1700 is the model number of this shoe. The TN on the back is the color matching code. Different colors have different matching codes. For example, G means Gray (grey) and B means BLUE (blue). Therefore, it can be inferred that if the back is GB, it is gray/blue matching.
On the right side of the model, there is a small color block. This is a counterfeit area. Other brands basically have such a small area, where you can distinguish between genuine and fake ones, different colors, The counterfeit areas of different models are different. Just like an ID card, shoes of different styles and colors have different counterfeit areas.
The second line, 2E, refers to the shoe last width. NB's humanity can be seen fully reflected here. The same size has different widths
The number after the width, 0808, indicates that the production date of this pair of shoes is August 2008. The following numbers each have their own uses, so we can ignore them for now.
Looking at the box below, there are sizes such as US, UK, EU, and CM, which respectively represent American sizes (men’s and women’s sizes), British sizes, European size (37, 38, and 39 are usually marked on our shoes), length (basically refers to the inner length, and you can get this more accurate value by measuring the length of the insole).
Shoes exported to Japan are marked differently from shoes in other markets. The upper left corner is US code, the upper right corner is UK code, the lower left corner is EU code, and the lower right corner is CM code. For shoes sold in other markets, the upper left corner is US code, the upper right corner is EU code, the lower left corner is UK code, and the lower right corner is CM code.
Special attention: In terms of fonts, the fonts of the letters US, UK, EU, and CM are thinner than the fonts of the corresponding numbers. The outer frame and the numbers inside the frame, as well as the top and bottom width outside the frame, and the thickness of the letters of the model are the same.