Trademark Class 12 refers to Class 12 of the International Trademark Classification, covering all goods and services related to transportation and travel. The specific breakdown is as follows:
Class 12 commodities:
1. Land transportation: cars, trams, trains, bicycles, etc.
2. Water vehicles: ships, boats, submarines, rafts, etc.
3. Air transportation: airplanes, helicopters, gliders, hot air balloons, etc.
4. Transportation equipment: trailers, trucks, trucks, Belt machines, loading and unloading equipment, etc.
5. Vehicle devices: car seat belts, car sub-buses, car anti-theft and alarm equipment, seats, etc.
6. Vessel equipment: fishing gear, oars, equipment used to control the movement of the vessel, equipment used for depth measurement, etc.
Category 12 services:
1. Land transportation services: car rental services, parking lot services, driving school education, etc.
2. Water transportation services: port services, boat charter services, etc.
3. Air transportation services: airport services, ticket agencies, airline services, etc.
4. Transportation services: freight forwarding, vehicle driving services, cargo transportation services, logistics distribution, packaging and loading and unloading services, etc.
5. Travel services: travel charter, travel consultation, travel agency, etc.
6. Transportation equipment maintenance services: automobile maintenance, machinery maintenance, ship maintenance, etc.
Trademark Classification 12 applies to all goods and services involving transportation and travel. Such a trademark classification can protect the intellectual property rights of the trademark holder and prevent others from using the same trademark for similar goods and services. .