Trademark renewal needs to be applied for twelve months in advance. When applying for trademark renewal, you also need to pay attention to the use period of the trademark and the deadline for renewal. If the renewal is not processed in time before the trademark expires, During the extension period, the state also provides a six-month extension period. If the trademark holder still fails to complete the trademark renewal procedures during the extension period, the trademark will also be revoked by the Trademark Office.
1. How early should a trademark be renewed before it expires? Trademark registrants should go through the renewal procedures in accordance with regulations within twelve months before expiration. Article 40 of the Trademark Law: If a registered trademark has expired and needs to be continued to be used, the trademark registrant shall go through the renewal procedures in accordance with the regulations within twelve months before expiration; if it fails to go through the renewal procedures during this period, it may be given six month of grace. Each renewal of registration is valid for ten years, starting from the day after the expiration of the previous term of validity of the trademark. If renewal procedures are not completed upon expiration, the registered trademark will be cancelled. The Trademark Office shall announce the renewal of registered trademarks.
2. Application steps (1) Prepare application documents. The application documents that should be submitted are: (1) "Application for Trademark Renewal Registration" (2) Applicant's identity document (copy) (3) If you entrust an agent to submit the "Agency Letter", if you apply directly at the acceptance hall, submit a copy of the person's ID card (4) A copy of the registration certificate (5) If the application document is in a foreign language, it should also be provided by a translation agency Chinese translation of signature and seal confirmation 1. Fill in the application form one by one according to the requirements, and it must be typed or printed. 2. One application for renewal registration should be submitted for each trademark. 3. If you go directly to the trademark registration hall to handle the matter, you should submit a copy of the person in charge’s ID card; if you entrust a trademark agency to handle the matter, you should submit a trademark agency power of attorney. 4. If the trademark applied for renewal is an owned trademark, the application should be made in the name of the representative. (2) Submit application documents 1. The applicant goes directly to the trademark registration hall to apply. After the application documents are ready, submit them at the acceptance window of the trademark registration hall. The staff at the window will confirm whether the application documents are qualified. 2. If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the application, the trademark agency will deliver the application documents to the Trademark Office. (3) Pay the renewal fee. A renewal registration application requires a fee of 1,000 yuan. If the registration renewal application is submitted within the six-month extension period, a delay fee of RMB 250 is required. If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the application, the applicant shall pay the renewal fees and agency fees to the trademark agency. The renewal fees collected by the Trademark Office will be deducted from the advance payment of the trademark agency.
3. Notes 1. After the renewal application is approved, the Trademark Office will send the renewal certificate to the applicant by mail according to the address filled in the application form. 2. If the renewal application does not meet the regulations, the Trademark Office will notify the applicant in writing by mail to make corrections within a time limit according to the address filled in the application form. 3. If the renewal application cannot be approved for other reasons, the Trademark Office will notify the applicant in writing by mail according to the address filled in the application form. 4. If the applicant entrusts a trademark agency to handle the renewal application, the Trademark Office will not directly have any correspondence with the applicant, and all documents will be sent to the trademark agency. 5. The category of the application should be filled in according to the international classification category approved by the "Trademark Registration Certificate". Enterprises will register their own trademarks based on their actual circumstances, and at the same time, they must follow relevant national regulations when using trademarks. If the party fails to complete the renewal procedures after the trademark expires, the trademark will also be considered invalid and will generally be revoked. The Trademark Office carries out unified revocation, so the owner of the trademark must also pay attention to the period of use of the trademark.