Hello, if you are registered, mark R, if you are TM, mark TM, and the order depends on your choice.
trademarks can be divided into registered trademarks and unregistered trademarks.
TM is the abbreviation of "trademark" and R is the abbreviation of "register".
TM stands for "trademark" and R stands for "registered trademark", which is an official mark. Both registered and unregistered trademarks can be marked with TM, indicating that the right holder uses the mark as a trademark.
Please don't imitate it, which will serve as a warning. However, only a trademark that has been approved and registered by the State Trademark Office and issued with a Trademark Registration Certificate can use R within the approved scope.
Goods/services that have not been registered or are beyond the approved scope of the trademark certificate cannot be marked with R..
trademark naming, trademark design, trademark retrieval, trademark application, change, transfer, renewal, objection, infringement lawsuit, etc., you can also ask us: