Hangzhou trademark registration process:
Trademark inquiry (within 2 days) → application document preparation (within 3 days) → submission of application (within 2 days) → payment of trademark registration fees → trademark form review ( 1 month)→Issuance of trademark acceptance notice→Trademark substantive examination (12 months)→Trademark announcement (3 months)→Issuance of trademark certificate. (The new Trademark Law was implemented on May 1, 2014, and the substantive trademark review period is 9 months.)
Hangzhou trademark registration fees:
The official fee for one trademark application is 600 yuan , you can choose 10 categories of goods or services. If there are less than 10 categories, an official fee of 600 yuan will still be charged. For more than 10 categories, an official fee of 60 yuan per category will be charged.
Before October 1, 2013, the official fee for each application for providing a trademark registration certificate was 1,000 yuan.
It was adjusted to 800 yuan per application on October 1, 2013.
The price will be adjusted to 600 yuan per item until October 15, 2015.
If a trademark agency is entrusted to handle the matter, the applicant shall pay the trademark registration certificate official fee and agency fee to the trademark agency. The trademark registration certificate fee collected by the Trademark Office will be deducted from the advance payment of the trademark agency. .
Trademark Function 1: Passport in the market
Trademark is the essence of corporate brand culture, and the establishment of corporate brand image is the core of corporate struggle.
Only products that have applied for a registered trademark in the relevant country or region can be sold in large stores and supermarkets in that country and region.
Companies generally need to issue trademark registration certificates for relevant brands when printing labels and packaging in printing plants or advertising in various media. In international trade, trademarks are extremely important, and international trade is inseparable from trademarks.
For administrative departments, the management of trademarks is used to supervise the quality of goods and services, and create necessary conditions for quality inspection, health inspection, and barcoding.
Trademark Function 2: Flag in Business War
The battle flag symbolizes the indomitable spirit and the spiritual motivation to charge into battle. The battle flag represents the soul of an army. After capturing a position, planting your own flag means that it has been occupied, which is an honor. A trademark is a symbol of the spirit of an enterprise, and it is also the most direct expression of the field occupied by the enterprise's goods and services.
Trademark Function 3: The highlight of assets
The assessed value of a trademark can increase the total assets of the company, and the higher the value of the brand, the more it can reflect the influence and influence of the trademark. The business performance of an enterprise indirectly reflects the degree of consumer acceptance of the goods indicated by the trademark.
As an intangible asset, a trademark can also be converted to realize its value through transfer, licensing to others, or pledge.
Fourth role of trademark: Identification code in the eyes of consumers
Commodities accept social inspection and supervision in the market and participate in competition. This market competition is based on product variety, quality, price, etc. A variety of performance indicators compete, and this information is delivered to consumers through the bridge of trademarks. Use trademarks to promote goods and services, be concise, eye-catching, and easy to remember, leaving a deep impression on consumers to attract and induce their desire to "buy quickly", thereby achieving the effect of creating a famous brand and expanding sales.
Five functions of trademarks: carrier of corporate reputation
Trademarks are not only a symbol to distinguish the source of goods and services, but also a symbol of the credibility and competitiveness of the company. The way of expression is the satisfaction that the goods marked by the trademark bring to consumers. Trademarks embody the reputation of the marked goods and services, as well as the operators and service providers of the goods. Trademarks are the best indicator of the reputation of goods and services and the reputation of related enterprises. Trademark reputation is crucial in market competition. A reputable trademark plays a very important role in improving product competitiveness and opening up product sales.
Trademark Function 6: Medal for Employees
A good trademark brand can give employees a sense of honor, achievement, responsibility, belonging, mission and growth.
The feelings of consumers determine the degree to which the brand of goods and services is recognized and accepted by society, and the feelings of employees determine the cohesion and sense of honor that the trademark brand created by the company brings to the employees of the company. In other words, a brand is ultimately a relationship, and a branded relationship is a special type of loyalty and trust relationship.
Trademark Function 7: A transfer station for corporate financing
The trademark exclusive right pledge loan business uses the ownership of the corporate trademark as a pledge, and the value of the corporate trademark is confirmed through third-party evaluation. Banks are flexible in adoption It uses a mortgage and pledge model to issue loans of a certain proportion of the value of the company's trademark to companies with financing needs.
Trademark Function 8: Shield in Brand Disputes
Trademark is like a shield in war. Whoever controls the trademark and has the exclusive right to the trademark is the owner of this "shield". Register Trademarks, with exclusive rights, can not only protect their own trademark rights from infringement, but can also cause damage to invading "enemy forces" when necessary.
The trademark registrant has the exclusive right to use the trademark and is protected by law. Others dare not copy it, otherwise they can be sued for infringement and receive financial compensation. On the contrary, if someone else registers it first, you will definitely lose the market that you have carefully planned and worked hard to manage, and you may become an infringement defendant.