The trademarks suitable for toys in the transfer of Class 28 trademarks are toys (2802), the details are as follows:
1. Pistol flash caps (toys) 280003, pet toys 280004, Toy balloons 280012, toy doll feeding bottles 280016, toys 280024, building blocks (toys) 280025, house building toys 280041, party and dance props 280045, dominoes 280054, toy pistols 280058...
2. Lever toys , construction toy sets, metal wind-up toys, inflatable toys, model cars, woodworking tool toy sets, plug-in toys
Toy trademark transfer procedures are complicated, and it is much more convenient to find a regular agency. Take Jindian Trademark Agency as an example. The company has established good relationships with customers across the country. It currently provides services to more than 7,500 online and offline companies, and more than 2,000 companies have successfully entered Tmall stores through purchasing trademarks. By supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurial talents and helping customers transform into Internet+, the company has turned to providing trademark registration and transfer services on the Internet.
For more questions, please contact Jindian Trademark customer service!