(1) using the same trademark as its registered trademark on the same commodity without the permission of the trademark registrant;
(2) without the permission of the trademark registrant, using a trademark similar to its registered trademark on the same commodity, or using a trademark identical to or similar to its registered trademark on similar commodities may easily lead to confusion;
(3) selling goods that infringe upon the exclusive right to use a registered trademark;
(4) Forging or unauthorized manufacturing of registered trademark marks of others or selling forged or unauthorized registered trademark marks;
(5) changing its registered trademark without the consent of the trademark registrant and putting the goods with the changed trademark on the market again;
(6) intentionally providing convenient conditions for the infringement of the exclusive right to use a trademark of others and helping others to commit the infringement of the exclusive right to use a trademark;
(7) causing other damage to the exclusive right to use a registered trademark of others.
what is a trademark?
a trademark is a mark used to distinguish one operator's brand or service from other operators' goods or services. China's trademark law stipulates that trademarks approved and registered by the Trademark Office, including commodity trademarks, service trademarks, collective trademarks and certification trademarks, enjoy the exclusive right to use trademarks and are protected by law. If they are well-known trademarks, they will be protected by cross-category laws.
to sum up, it can be considered as trademark infringement by judging that the actor subjectively intentionally infringes the rights related to a registered trademark, objectively uses or sells it without authorization, or provides assistance and convenience for the infringement, resulting in damage results, and the damage results are causal with the above-mentioned behaviors.
Legal basis: Article 12 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
If the civil rights and interests are infringed, the infringed party has the right to request the infringer to bear the tort liability.
article 183 if the infringer suffers damage to himself by protecting the civil rights and interests of others, the infringer shall bear civil liability and the beneficiary may give appropriate compensation. If no infringer or infringer escapes or is unable to bear civil liability, and the victim requests compensation, the beneficiary shall give appropriate compensation.
article 167 where an infringement endangers the personal and property safety of others, the infringed party has the right to request the infringer to bear the tort liability of stopping the infringement, removing the obstruction and eliminating the danger.
Article 1168 Where two or more persons jointly commit an infringement and cause damage to others, they shall be jointly and severally liable.